
Wallet Connects by Location

The geographical distribution of your users who connected their wallets to your platform during the selected date range.

Wallet Conversion by Location

Detailed data about the users and wallet connects in locations where you have active users.



Locations sorted in descending order of the number of new users in each jurisdiction.

New Users

Number of users who visited your platform for the first time during the selected date range.

First-Time Wallet Connects

Number of wallets that were connected to your platform for the first time during the selected date range.

Wallet Connect Conversion

Share of new users who connected their wallets to your platform during the selected date range.

Returning Users

Number of users who visited your platform during the selected date range and a preceding period.

Returning Wallets

Wallets that were connected to your platform during the selected date range and a preceding period.

Avg Wallet Holdings (USD)

The average total holdings of wallets in the given location.

Wallet Connects and Conversion Effectiveness

A view of the share of your users who connect their wallets to your platform.


Unique Users

Your community size during the selected date range.

Unique Wallet Connects

The number of wallets that were connected to your platform during the selected date range.

Conversion Rate

The share of your users who connected their wallets during the selected date range.

User and Wallet Connect Retention

A view of your project’s effectiveness in encouraging users to continually connect their wallets to your platform.


Total Users

Your community size during the selected date range.

Returning Users

Number of users who visited your platform during the selected date range and a preceding period.

Returning Users with Wallet Connects

Number of users who visited your platform during the selected date range and a preceding period, and connected their wallets during the selected date range.

Last updated