A view of wallet addresses either holding the project's tokens or has connected the wallet to your platform. The segment builder allows you to quickly apply filters to data and export the wallet addresses for further review or actions, such as airdropping or whitelisting.
Wallet Status
Wallet (Zapper.fi)
Wallet addresses sorted by descending order of the last active date.
The network on which your user’s wallet has their holdings
First Token Transaction (Txn)
The first transaction date and time for the project token observed on the user’s wallet
Last Token Transaction (Txn)
The last transaction date and time for the project token observed on the user’s wallet
First Wallet Connect
The first date and time the user connected their wallet to your platform
Last Wallet Connect
The last date and time the user connected their wallet to your platform
Last Active Date
The last date the wallet connected to your platform or bought and/or sold your project’s token
Project Token Balance
The total current balance of your project’s tokens in the user’s wallet shown in USD
Portfolio Value
The total current balance in the user’s wallet shown in USD
New Visitor
Users who connected their wallet to your platform for the first time during the selected date range